v0.7.0 | 2024-01-02T23:40:16Z

Converted everything from Bootstrap 4 to Tailwind CSS and daisyUI. There might be a few unused classes remaining, but so far everything seems to be working proper using Tailwind.

v0.6.1 | 2023-10-05T20:23:06Z

Just a couple of quick fixes.

v0.6.0 | 2023-04-09T17:20:28Z

Added comments back! For both vendors and collections, and with additional functionality. Must still be authenticated to post a comment, but there are options to like, dislike, and flag comments. (Flagging won't notify anyone until I get email up and running)

v0.5.0 | 2023-04-02T15:32:43Z

Such a big update, I'm skipping two minor versions!

  • Added collections, allowing users to create and share collections of vendors
  • Removed comments and vendor ratings since I want to redo these systems
  • Changes to home page, mainly as a placeholder. Needs to be heavily revised still
  • Changed styling of vendor views

v0.3.1 | 2023-03-19T17:31:21Z

  • Added error and success messages for the vendor submission form
  • Added back-end debug logging and visitor analytics
  • Minor style tweaks

v0.3.0 | 2023-03-18T02:46:32Z

  • Added form to submit vendors. Can be found in footer.
  • Minor change to profile page
  • Minor styling fix

v0.2.1 | 2023-03-16T21:56:07Z

  • Added basic account management to reset passwords and update email, which can be accessed from the footer if signed in. Will clean this up at a later date.
  • Fixed some minor styling issues

v0.2.0 | 2023-03-14T23:09:38Z

Added a rating system! At the moment, you must add a comment to rate a vendor. Ratings will not display next to vendors unless one is added. In addition, you can now sort by ratings.

v.0.1.2 | 2023-03-14T18:19:29Z

Significant update to the home page.

  • Fixed menu bar for mobile
  • Added map to homepage using d3 library
  • Additional graphical changes

v0.1.1 | 2023-03-12T20:44:41Z

Added a releases page so users can follow progress.

v0.1.0 | 2023-03-12T16:08:49Z

First release deployed to production. Bare minimum functionality.